General News Health

Check Out The Effects of not having sex for a long time


People go through dry spells in the bedroom for all kinds of reasons. Maybe they’re busy, or maybe they’re single. Or they might just decide they want a break.

If that break goes on long enough, though, it can have an effect on your body and some parts of your life. But it’s important to remember that there’s no “right” amount for everyone. What’s key is that you find what .

Marriages are made in heaven they say, however, it is on us to make them work. There are a fine line and a huge difference between staying together and living together which most couples tend to ignore. It is only after marriage that you actually ‘live’ together and get to know the person in and out. That is why there are instances where a couple who have been together for well over a decade fall apart after they get married and some who have dated for the bare minimum have a solid marriage. Bit of a catch 22? Not really.

Marriages are about coming together of two cultures, individuals, families, values, habits and many other things that are not tangible. Some of the factors that you need to understand when it comes to sustaining a marriage, is to understand each other without having to express too much about it. It may seem like a daunting task at the beginning, however, as you grow, as an individual and in your marriage, you see the little cracks where you would want to put some adhesive on, you would want to bandage where it hurts and that’s how you learn. Surviving and sustaining a marriage especially in this fast-paced world where divorces are a quicker option than finding solutions, start with something that is in your control.

Effects of not having sex for a long time

News Hub Creator18h



People go through dry spells in the bedroom for all kinds of reasons. Maybe they’re busy, or maybe they’re single. Or they might just decide they want a break.

If that break goes on long enough, though, it can have an effect on your body and some parts of your life. But it’s important to remember that there’s no “right” amount for everyone. What’s key is that you find what .

Marriages are made in heaven they say, however, it is on us to make them work. There are a fine line and a huge difference between staying together and living together which most couples tend to ignore. It is only after marriage that you actually ‘live’ together and get to know the person in and out. That is why there are instances where a couple who have been together for well over a decade fall apart after they get married and some who have dated for the bare minimum have a solid marriage. Bit of a catch 22? Not really.

Marriages are about coming together of two cultures, individuals, families, values, habits and many other things that are not tangible. Some of the factors that you need to understand when it comes to sustaining a marriage, is to understand each other without having to express too much about it. It may seem like a daunting task at the beginning, however, as you grow, as an individual and in your marriage, you see the little cracks where you would want to put some adhesive on, you would want to bandage where it hurts and that’s how you learn. Surviving and sustaining a marriage especially in this fast-paced world where divorces are a quicker option than finding solutions, start with something that is in your control.



Some of the effects of not having sex include;

Anxiety and Stress

If you don’t have sex with your partner often, that may make you feel less connected to them, which can mean you don’t talk about your feelings much or get a lot of support in managing day-to-day stressors.

And sex makes your body release hormones, like oxytocin and endorphins, that can help you manage the effects of stress. Oxytocin has the added benefit of helping you sleep.


Research is in the early stages, but some studies have shown that people who have sex often are better at recalling memories. And there are signs that sex can help your brain grow neurons and work better in general.

Relationship Health

Regular sex helps you feel emotionally close to your partner, which opens the door to better communication. Couples who have sex more often tend to say they’re happier than those who get less of it.

But it doesn’t have to happen every day — once a week seems to be enough. This seems to be true no matter your age or gender, or how long you’ve been in the relationship.

Immune System

Regular sex can help your body fight off illness, so having it less often might lead to more colds and the like. In one study, college students who had sex one to two times per week were shown to have higher levels of a certain antibody (called immunoglobulin A) that plays an important role in your immune system.

Vaginal Walls and Lubrication

If you’re a woman who’s gone through menopause, you have another reason to keep having sex. Without regular intercourse, your vagina can tighten and its tissues can get thinner and be more likely to get injured, tear, or even bleed during sex. This can be so uncomfortable that women with these symptoms avoid having sex, which can make it worse.

Changes related to menopause, such as vaginal dryness and irritation, can be treated with lubricants, moisturizers, or low-dose estrogen.

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