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Chief of Mujipe shot dead, son in critical condition



Seventy Five (75) year old Chief of Mujipe in the Tuluwe Traditional Area in the Central Gonja District of the Savannah Region has been shot dead at his palace.

The incident occurred within the hours of 7pm and 8pm today, March 30.

Sources at the Savannah Regional Police Command said the body has been deposited at the mortuary.

His son, name withheld, who was also shot in the back, is currently in a critical condition at an unnamed hospital receiving treatment.

The source said there has been an outstanding land dispute between the deceased, Mujipewura and Kakpadewura in which the Kakpande chief claimed ownership of Mujipe.

A clash two years ago saw the loss of several lives and properties within the two communities.

The matter was brought before late Yagbonwura Professor Sulemana Tuntumba Bore Essa I for resolution.

Meanwhile, a very angry Savannah Regional Minister, Saeed Muhazu Jibril, has condemned the incident describing it as barbaric and criminal.

The REGSEC Chairman who said this in an exclusive interview with JoyNews’ Isaac Nongya stated, “This is unimaginable and barbaric. Killing a fellow human being is nothing but criminal. This case is a purely criminal matter and must be handled to the core. The perpetrators must be found and made to pay for their actions,” he fumed.

He said more police personnel have been deployed to the Mujipe community to safeguard lives and properties.

Sources in Damongo say the King is not happy as the Mujipe land dispute was one of the disputes in the Kingdom he wanted to tackle.

This case is seen as a test case for the new Yagbonwura as he is not new to the Mujipe land issue. The deceased chief previously served under his traditional area when he was chief of Tuluwe.

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