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ECG cautions customers against assault on its staff



The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has issued a strongly-worded statement cautioning its customers against acts of assault on its staff.

Some staff of the company have recently come under attack while executing the company’s ongoing revenue mobilisation programme to recover some GH¢5.7 billion owed by the consuming public.

ECG cited the detention of its personnel by the Ghana Post Company over a GH¢89,000 debt to buttress its caution.

Some personnel of the Company were detained on March 28 by Ghana Post Company when they attempted to disconnect power over the GH¢89,000 debt.

ECG, therefore, cautioned the general public against illegal connections and attacks on its personnel in the line of their duty which it said is a crime under Ll 2413.

It said it will not countenance any attacks and hesitate to disconnect any customer that owes the Company or threatens its staff.

“The Company hereby gives public notice that any customer/consumer, be they an Individual or company who refuses to allow the Company’s personnel to perform their functions as permitted by Ll 2413, will be disconnected. Further, where an assault on our staff is committed, the consumer will continue to be disconnected until such period of time that the customer has confirmed intention in writing to ensure the safety of ECG’s personnel who have rightfully entered the premises to discharge their duties and pledge not to interfere with the company’s personnel in this regard.

“The Company further reserves its right to initiate either civil or criminal action or both against the consumer and or its officers.”

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