General News Politics

Hold me accountable if I fail to execute my promises – Mahama



The flag bearer of the National Democratic Congress, John Dramani Mahama, has tasked Ghanaians to hold him accountable should he fail to execute his promises to them if he gets elected in the 2024 elections.

He expressed certainty that he will be able to fulfill every promise he has made and called on Ghanaians to support his bid for the presidency.

The NDC flag bearer said this when he addressed party supporters at his formal acceptance speech ceremony in Tamale.

Mr Mahama said the next NDC government will restore stability, inclusive growth to the economy and rejuvenate the almost collapsed banking and financial sector adding that it will include the Bank of Ghana.

He added that the party prioritizes local participation in all sectors of the economy to create jobs.

“Prioritize local participation in the banking, financial, telecommunications, mining, oil and gas, agriculture, manufacturing, and construction sectors to generate more jobs for the youth,” he said.

The NDC flag bearer added that the next NDC government will complete abandoned and ongoing projects dotted across the country.

“We will carry out an inventory of all hospitals, schools, electrification, water, and road projects which have stalled or been abandoned and make annual budgetary allocation for completing them,” he said.

Mr Mahama said he will run a lean but efficient government with not more than 60 ministers and deputies adding that they will also work to abolish the payment of ex-gratia and cut out waste in government.

One other promise he made was to set up a Commission of Enquiry to investigate the issues of stolen state lands and also make recommendations on how to resolve the vexed issue of expropriated Ga-Dangbe lands.

Mr Mahama who raised concerns over freedom of speech in the country said a conducive and collaborative atmosphere would be created to allow the media work without threats, harassments, and assassinations.

He said the NDC delegates have shown the way by electing him with an overwhelming 99% valid votes cast which is an indication of their conviction in his ability to provide honest, visionary, and responsible leadership and urged Ghanaians to vote the NDC into power in 2024.

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