
Inspire your spouses to do the needful- Baptist Ministers spouses told



The Baptist Ministers spouses have been tasked to advice and inspire their husbands to do the needful in line with serving their ministries and the dying world.

Rev. Dr Charles Owusu Ampofo ,Chairman of Baptist Ministers conference gave the advise at the 39th annual Conference and Retreat of the Baptist Ministers spouses at Ejura on the theme: Growing to make Jesus know.
According to him, some Ministers turn blind eyes on their responsibilities and for that matter, tasked them to plead with husbands to do the needful by ensuring what is expected of them or the right thing is done in line of duty as men of God.

He is of the view that, the theme is of great necessity and inspiring, says they grow and obey in making Jesus Christ know, and lauded them for the unity and oneness among them.

He reminded them that, they can make their lives better for themselves with God than relying on someone, he urged them to always assist their husbands to proclaim the undiluted word of God to the dying world.

Rev Enoch Nii Narh Thompson, Executive President, Ghana Baptist Convention stated that, the guidance from them inspires their spouses to succeed for if they play their roles well pleases God.

He entreated them to grow in Christian faith and work with God, he urged them to grow in conformity in their lifestyle and transform characters of holiness and agents of the kingdom of God for their fellowship with others.

He entreated them not to lose sight of their individuality because they are in a community, as growing in Christ is a painful experience.

Mrs. Grace Annan, President of Baptist spouses conference in her welcome address commended the spouses of the Ministers for remaining united and determine yo support their spouses despite the hard economic challenges to the service.

She noted that, women were made to keep silence in the church and other decisions making,yet reminding them that, Jesus is pressing on their hearts today to make him known to others.
She indicated that, the manual to growth in the Lord is the word of God that she said equipped them for their physical and spiritual being growing to fruitfulness and enjoin them to grow I’m the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
She entreated them to be prompted by the holy spirit, and argued that, who pastor’s the pastors, which she said literally meaning what is the role of a woman, is the role of the holy spirit in Christian women leader.

Rev Mrs. Mary Fosu, chairperson for the occasion disclosed that, the conference is an opportunity for the Ministers spouses together with unity to talk about current challenges, share best practices and ideas to help them support their husbands as Ministers of the gospel.

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