683 The President of the Ghana Union of Traders Association ( GUTA) Dr. Joseph Obeng, has warned the Ghana Revenue Authority ( GRA) against using intimidating tactics to implement the Upfront Payment of the Value Added Tax ( VAT). At a press conference in Accra on Wednesday 20, September Dr. Obeng said GUTA […]
1,309 Ranking Member on Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, says Ghana in recent times has failed to play its foreign policy well. He noted that the government’s hard-line stance against the Russian invasion of Ukraine, its blaming of the country’s economic woes on the aftermath of the said invasion and the caricaturing of […]
1,044 In as much as we in the NDC do recognize and respect our institutions of state, happenings in recent times have given us a cause for concern because of deliberate executive interferences in the operations of such institutions as well as the apparent weaponisation of same against political opponents in order to cow […]