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Pono video on Prophet One TV Not Deliberate



The Nation’s number one Prophet , Prophet Ebenezer Opambour  Adarkwa Yiadom’s alleged pornographic video shown live on his TV station days ago was not delibrate .

Close source from the camp of the man of God told this reporter that it was a mistake and the man of God will never perpetrate that act live on TV.

According to the source,Rev.Ebenezer Opambour Adarkwah Yiadom,founder and leader of Ebenezer Miracle  Worship Centre based in Kumasi  was only preaching against some acts of quack  fetish priests  who go about sleeping with their clients(females) when they approach them for help.

The source further noted ,the man of God wanted to use the video in his preaching and let the congregation know how the priest treated his victim during the process.

It was evident that Opambour in a way  ordered his programmers to stop showing the content live on Tv in the process.

The act of the famous Prophet has raised the concerns of  authorities at the Film Classification Committee (FCC) of the National Film Authority to land the man of God in trouble for allegedly airing pornographic contents on his TV station, (Prophet One TV).

According to FCC, the man of God’s pornographic video airing live on TV is a  breach of Ghana’s film classification rules.

In a statement sighted by the Punch newspaper, the FCC is asking Prophet Opambour also known as Prophet One to provide documents for all his in-house contents by the close of the day, Friday, September 10.

According to the FCC, Opambour broadcasted sexual scenes between a fetish priest and a person purported to be a client on his show. The content, it said is inappropriate for free-to-air television but the act was not meant to promote sex content on his TV station but was just an imitation of the actual act that transpired between the fetish priest and his client.

Statement From The Film Classification Committee

“The Film Classification Committee (FCC) of the National Film Authority has sighted pornographic content being shown on Prophet One TV. In this content, Ebenezer Adarkwa-Yiadom, also known as Prophet Opambour, played a TV host recounting a sexual incident between a fetish priest (male) and a woman purported to be his client. This content depicts patently lewd sensual scenes perceived by the FCC as inappropriate for free to air television,” the statement said.

“The FCC has publicly announced that all audiovisual content must be classified before exhibition. In furtherance to this, all broadcasting channels have been directed to classify in-house content according to the film classification criteria given. The FCC is requesting the management of Prophet One TV to provide the National Film Authority with the classification documents for all its in-house content including the pornographic content shown, by close of day on 10th September 2021,” it added.

If Opambour fails to comply with the film classification rules he shall be subjected to the Offences and Penalties in Section 27 and Forfeiture of Equipment in Section 28 of the Development and Classification of Film Act 935. Foster

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