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Razak Kojo Opoku Writes About Nature



God gave us a dominion mandate over nature yet nature punishes us if we do wrong against the systems that support nature.

Freedom of Speech is a fundamental guaranteed human right, however irresponsible, reckless, unreasonable and inhuman speech requires correction in the interest of protecting the same fundamental human rights of other members of society.

Threatening of Coup De’tat, publication of defamatory stories and false news to cause public unrest as well as incite society to rebel against authority is equally against the very Constitution which guarantees human rights.

To deepen multi-party democracy, Ghanaians have wholly accepted to elect their political leaders through the ballot and therefore it is completely needless and backward attitude for any individual to issue threats of Coup De’tat against our democracy, rule of law and the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.

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