Being the main examination to qualify basic school pupils for admission into the Senior High, Vocational and Technical Schools, four thousand three Hundred and seventy Eight (4378) pupils from the Prestea Huni-Valley Municipality in the Western Region sat for this year’s Basic Education Certificate Exams (B E C E). These numbers are made up of Two Thousand One Hundred and Thirty Two (2132) boys and Two thousand Two Hundred and Forty Seven (2247) girls.
In all, one hundred and thirty-three schools presented their candidates for the examination in the fourteen (14 )examination centers within the Municipality.
They are made up of eighty-nine (89) public schools and forty-four (44) private schools.
Upon visitation by the Municipal Chief Executive (M C E) and the Municipal Education Director to some of the examination centers, it was realized that some of the students were absent due to ill health, child delivery and some due to school dropout.
Three others have also delivered during the examination week, this made them miss some of their papers. Some of them even though were pregnant turned up for the exams and one delivery right after the paper.
All the Covid-19 protocols were met as students were asked to wash their hands, wear their nose mask and their temporature were. Social distancing was also observed.
The Municipal Chief Executive (M C E) for the area,Dr. Isaac Dasmani encouraged the students to do away with fear and write with confidence.
He said the exams was as normal as the end of term exams and so they should write it without fear so that they could also benefit from the free SHS.
He assured them that their education was at the heart of the president and he wished that all of them succeed. That was why he introduced the free SHS.
Source: Broadcastergh.com/Matilda Ansah