General News Politics

ASEPA joins ‘Kumepreko’ demonstration




ASEPA wishes to announce to the Media and the good People of Ghana as well as all it’s Partners, Stakeholders and other interest Groups of it’s decision to join the upcoming “KUMEPREKO MARCH” organised by the Coalition for Social Justice(CSJ) slated for Tuesday, July 9,2019.

The decision to join this civil demonstration is borne out of the following reasons.

1.The current assault on Journalists and the attack on fundamental press freedom and freedom of expression in Ghana.

2. The decision by Government to construct a new $200million Chamber for Parliament in the midst of severe social and economic difficulties in the Country.

3. The Electoral Commission’s deliberate disenfranchising of first time voters and several Ghanaians during the ongoing limited registration exercise and the violations of Article 42 and the C.I 91.

As a Public Accountability and Human Rights Group we believe that this civil demonstration is in the best interest of the State and would help drum home our total discontent of how our Country is being managed currently and we outrightly endorse it.

We are therefore through this medium appealing to all our supporters and the good people of Ghana to expressly join this March on Tuesday to unanimously exercise our democratic rights as Citizens of this noble Country in accordance with the law.

For help in joining this March kindly call any of our contact numbers as provided below.
Remember the time is 7am and the Converging piont is the Popular Obra Spot at Circle onTuesday 9th July, 2019 here in Accra.

Thank you.

Mensah Thompson
Executive Director, ASEPA 

Source /Ayisah Foster 

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